yukbos mawar4d YukBos, Jakarta, Indonesia. 17 likes. We are a pany that develops Artificial Intellegence that focus on helping other panies in customer service
apa itu relate This video is about CCM YUKBOS. YUKBOS ATRIFICIAL INTELLIGENE INDONESIA. 41 YukBos, Jakarta, Indonesia. 17 likes. We are a pany that develops Artificial Intellegence that focus on helping other panies in customer service
score888 live streaming YukBos Tawarkan Layanan Chatbot Khusus Industri E-Commerce · yukbos YukBos, Jakarta, Indonesia. 17 likes. · Biarkan bisnis dan silaturahmi berjalan bersamaan. Dengan YukBos, penjual bisa memasukkan database produknya, dan pertanyaan terkait produk yang nantinya akan dibalas oleh chatbot. YukBos sendiri