google in 1998 a200m slot Tampilan Google di tahun 1998. Baca berita tanpa iklan. Gabung + · Kembali ke artikel. 2 dari 4.
olx 138 To celebrate Google's 20th birthday, travel back in time and take a virtual stroll through the original Google Garage in Street View like it The very first logo was designed in 1996. It was a red BackRub inscription against a hand. Only in 1998, when BackRub was rebranded to Google,
piala 88 4) Sekarang, coba search Google in 1998. Resultnya, balik jadi google jaman dulu lhoo.. Larry Page dan Sergey Brin selaku pendiri Google memegang 16 persen saham perusahaan. Mereka menjadikan Google sebagai perusahaan swasta pada